HEAD OF PROJECT DELIVERY – Bratislava, SK or Prague, CZ

Our client has worked in the area of intelligent transport information systems capable of analysing and directing traffic anywhere in the world.

We offer:
– Attractive work for the big group that is part of PPF Group
– Background of a large and stable company, the possibility of personal and professional development
– Possibility to cooperate with professionals in the field and gain new interesting knowledge and experience
– Adequate and motivating financial remuneration
– You will find a really friendly team and professional approach
– Above-standard employee benefits

Vaše úkoly / vaše
odpovědnost (popis práce):

Na prvním místě našeho seznamu priorit pro vás je:


E – mail: info@rychetsky.eu
Tel.: +420 775 440 094

IČO: 28207572. Company registered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 132764

Rychetsky&Partners 2023


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